


Early: $110/person
Regular: $125/person
Late: $140/person

+ $25 for soloists


Early: $125/person
Regular: $140/person
Late: $155/person

+ $25 for soloists


Early: $195/person
Regular: $210/person
Late: $225/person

+ $25 for soloists

Soloists: due to the added costs of providing race materials and boat rental to a single racer, solo entries will add $25 to the registration fee.

*each team must have at least one person age 18 or older.

Early registration ends January 31st
Regular registration ends March 31st
Late registration ends May 19th
Payment must be received by the above dates

What’s Included

Race fees include T-shirt, post-race food and drink, maps, canoes, paddles and PFDs, prizes and give-a-ways, plus facility and land use fees. Register by May 3rd to be guaranteed a shirt.

Net proceeds from the event will benefit the UW Wausau Campus Foundation and UWSP Student Scholarship Funds.

USARA Daily/Yearly Membership

8-hour and 18-hour racers must purchase a USARA 1-day membership ($8) or annual membership ($35) from USARA. Most, if not all Wisconsin Adventure Racing Series events this year will be part of USARA Series, so it may be cost effective to purchase the annual membership which includes several other benefits. Click here to purchase your USARA membership.

Refund Policy

If your team is unable to race, you may sell your entry to another team.  Due to the costs associated with planning and hosting this event, we cannot offer refunds.  We will happily help you find additional teammates if someone on your team cannot make the race.